Since 2018, Five Lamps have been delivering breakfast clubs throughout the school holidays, however, due to the unprecedented circumstances; the club had to be delivered virtually during 2020/21.
To ensure the breakfast club was still providing enriching fun activities, Five Lamps have been looking at ways to adapt and provide activities throughout the holidays which could be delivered virtually but were also engaging and helping the children to learn new things.
During February half term, the focus of the Breakfast Club was mindfulness and featured a virtual yoga session with My Yogi Bairns which was delivered via Zoom. As well as Yoga, the young people also received a box of crafts, a baking box to make scones and there was also a live game of Bingo on the secure Breakfast Club group.
As well as activities, the children also receive a pack of breakfast materials, which includes, bread, cereal, milk, juice, crumpets, pancakes, jam, butter and fresh fruit.
The attendance at the club had increased since last summer holidays and there were a total of 30 families with 70 children taking part. The majority of families were from Thornaby and surrounding areas.
Breakfast Club has become an important part of the young people and their parent’s lives, they have a safe place where they can meet others, take part in activities and for many it also helps to relieve added financial pressures of the school holidays.
Feedback from the club has included;
“Thank you so much for this week, my children really enjoyed taking part in all of the activities, especially the baking box.”
The club is open to all ages of children who live in Thornaby on Tees and surrounding areas.
Five Lamps were able to deliver the clubs after being successful in a bid to Stockton on Tees Borough Council Public Health’s holiday enrichment grant which was managed by Catalyst.